ewoksweb 1.0#

ewoksweb is a frontend to create, visualize and execute ewoks workflows in the web.

ewoksweb has been developed by the Software group of the European Synchrotron.

The documentation is inspired by the diataxis approach.

Install locally#

Install the ewoksweb Python package

pip install ewoksweb

Start the application via


The web app will be available at localhost:8000.


ewoksweb takes the port 8000 by default. If there are other applications running on this port (e.g. iTunes radio on Mac), another port can be chosen

ewoksweb --port 6660

Also by default, ewoksweb will save ewoks resources (workflows, tasks, icons) in the current folder. This can be changed through the --dir command line argument

ewoksweb --dir /path/to/ewoksserver/resources


Follow the learning-oriented tutorials that will help accomplish a sequence of steps in order to:

How-to guides#

The how-to guides are descriptions targeting the following tasks:


General useful information regarding: