Editor basic structure ====================== EwoksWeb is a web application where users can visually **view/edit/create/execute** their workflows. It mainly employs two pages: - the landing page for viewing/editing workflows and - the monitoring page for keeping track of the executing and executed workflows. Edit page --------- In the landing edit page workflows with their Nodes and Links are being visualized and graphically edited. The general structure of the Edit page includes: - The **Canvas** for visualizing and editing graphs. - The right **Edit Sidebar** for viewing and editing properties of a graph including nodes and links. - The retractable left **Task Sidebar** where tasks, that are the building blocks of workflows, are presented in their categories. - The upper **navigation bar** to open, save, execute workflows and navigate. The Edit sidebar changes its content whether a workflow, a node or a link is selected to depict the information for each along with the appropriete editing components according to the `ewoks `_ abstraction model. The Task sidebar populates the tasks that the user has incorporated in their categories if certain categories are specified by the user. On it's top it features a button to allow discovering new tasks or/and updating the existing. .. image:: ../images/navbar.png :width: 1200 :alt: Navbar The Navigation bar as depicted above is shared between the edit and monitor page and includes from left to right: - the logo of EwoksWeb that is also a link for the edit page - the navigation to edit and monitor page - the identity of the workflow, when one is opened, in the middle - a quick open dropdown where all workflow identifiers are presented to the user to select and open one - the save button for the workflow on the canvas - a menu with the following options on the right: - **New workflow** to empty the canvas allowing for the creation of a new workflow. - **Open from disk** that allows opening a workflow from the computer's local file system. - **Download** to save a workflow in the computer local file system. - **Execute workflow** that initiates the process of executing the workflow that is depicted on the canvas. - **Manage icons** that opens a top drawer for managing the icons that can be assigned to nodes in a workflow. - **Create new task** that opens a dialog for providing the appropriete details for a new task. .. image:: ../images/navbar-menu.png :width: 400 :alt: Alternative text