Create and Edit a Workflow#

New Workflow#

By clicking the New button with the tooltip start a new workflow on the upper bar a dialog appears requesting the new workflow name. By inserting a unique name and pressing SAVE WORKFLOW the dialog disappears and the canvas is available with the name entered appearing in the upper bar left side. If the given name is already used a message warns the user for providing another name.

Open a Workflow#

The user can open a graph in the canvas from:

  • the server by searching using the dropdown in the upper bar and pressing the Open from server. The workflows management tab can also be used to open-delete a workflow. It is located in the upper drawer that open when pressing the second button from the right in the upper bar. In the workflow management bar a workflow can be selected exploiting the categories dropdown for easier search. Its details are being fetched and presented to the user after selection. Using the 2 buttons under the search boxes the user can open a workflow on the canvas or delete it from the server.

  • the local storage by pressing the button with the directory icon on the upper bar.

Save a Workflow#

A workflow that is being edited in the canvas can be saved-updated either in the local storage or on the server. To save a workflow locally the button with the save icon in the upper bar should be pressed. To save a workflow on the server the button with the cloud-up-arrow should be pressed. Saving a new workflow on the server involves searching for other workflows with the same name and informing the user.

Edit a Workflow#

On the left sidebar under the Edit Graph dropdown the following can be edited:

  • the Label of the graph,

  • the Comment that can keep useful user notes about the graph and

  • the Category the specific graph belongs. By inserting a category the user can later filter their graphs based on the categories assigned to them making it easier to locate and explore graphs.

Graph is made up from nodes and links between the nodes. A node can be the representation of a:
  1. task

  2. graph that can be imported in a graph as a subgraph

To add a node you need to drag-and-drop one Task from the Add Node section of the sidebar on the left. The Add Node is populated with Tasks within their Categories. Tasks are embedded in the system or added by the end-user. Nodes can be seen as an instance of a Task which represents a piece of code. Click for a deeper explanation of the [Ewoks concepts](

A subgraph can be added to the graph from the server or from the local storage.

The embedded Tasks are in the category General and include: input, output and skeleton tasks. Input and output are used for declaring the input and the output of a graph respectively. They can be connected to ONLY ONE node in a given graph. The task_skeleton is given as an empty cell when the user needs to get a node in the graph without having the task with which is connected already defined. In the General category 2 more icons represent the icon node that can be added and a +G which is used to add a subgraph from the local storage to the graph.

Adding a subgraph in the graph is done by:
  • using the +G from the sidebar->Add Nodes->General category for graphs located in our hard-disk

  • using the down arrow on the top-bar for graphs that exist on the server.

A subgraph is represented in the graph as a node with multiple inputs and outputs. When doubleclicking on a subgraph the canvas shows the subgraph internals i.e. another graph. To get back on the initial graph click on the topbar left side where a path is created that provides the path to the upper graph.

Nodes can be connected with links that can be created in 2 ways:
  1. by clicking on the handles that the nodes have on their sides and sliding without releasing the click to a handle of another node.

  2. by clicking on a handle and then on another handle.

Every change you make on a graph (including the addition of nodes and links) can be undone and redone using the Undo-Redo buttons on the top-bar.

Nodes and Links have node-properties and link-properties respectively that can be further edited on the sidebar. These properties comply to the ewoks <> specification. A graph can be saved and retrieved from the local-drive or from the server using the buttons on the top-bar. Every button has a tooltip that appears on hover and describes its functionality.