Create your first Workflow#

By following the steps in this tutorial you will be able to create a basic workflow.

New Workflow#

When landing in ewoksweb you can start building your workflow immediately. The editor has in the middle of the top bar the title Untitled workflow (unsaved) that will be replaced by the name of the workflow once the workflow is first saved.

Add nodes#

On the left side the sidebar of tasks can be used to add nodes in your workflow. The tasks exist in their categories that can be opened by clicking on them.

  1. Click on the General category that exists by default.

  2. Drag-and-Drop a taskSkeleton task in the canvas in the middle of the page twice.

  3. After dropping your tasks two nodes appear with the label taskSkeleton that can be re-arranged by dragging them on the canvas.

Save a Workflow#

In order to save the workflow on the server:

  1. Click on the button with the disk at the right of the top bar.

  2. On the appearing dialog with the title Give the new workflow identifier give a name for your workflow.


  4. If the name you provided is not unique an error message will appear at the bottom-left Workflow ‘theName’ already exists. In this case give another name and try again.